Monday, March 8, 2010

Out of town guests = A very touristy Sunday!

Wouldn't this make a great painting?!

My cousin and her friend were in town on their spring break so we did the monument walk yesterday. Don't believe I have ever walked right up to the base of the Washington Monument before. Being this close and looking up causes a slight unbalance in your sense of direction, that's for sure! Being touristy is great exercise, too and it is always amazing to see the monuments, even though I live less than 10 miles away...

P.S. The "chili with chocolate" was yummy, although no major distinguishable chocolate flavor!


  1. That would be a very neat painting!! That's great that they came to visit- did they stay w/ you?

  2. Yep! Fabulous new air mattress came in handy :)
